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Shruti Swaroop Ma’am, has helped me and my peers understand Diversity, Inclusion, Biases, Micro-aggression and glass ceiling in great in depth. Her understanding of the topic and exposure is amazing and she is sensitive to the nuances and feeling such topics can evoke in people. The sessions helped us to understand our own biases, how willingly or unwilling we end up being insensitive to people around us. How diversity and inclusion are two indispensable, absolutely different things. I thank Ma’am for providing a new perspective to life, to help me understand my personal biases and to overcome them.

Bakul Dhawan

Professional, Ministry of Food processing Industry

Ms. Swaroop through Embrace Consulting has helped QuirkyByte Media improve our performance from time to time. Her coaching has helped groomed and equipped our leadership to deal with certain situations that can arise in an IT and Media based firm. As a result we have been able to achieve our goals effectively, and efficiently.

Along with her coaching advisory, we have engaged Ms Swaroop in HR advisory role as well. She has helped us build a system, manage our personnel better and even found certain gaps with respect to our HR personnel. We engage her HR advisory services from time to time and would strongly recommend her for this skill set.

Aditya Goel

CEO, QuirkyByte

I was fortunate to be coached by Shruti today. She is a great listener which is a wonderful assest for a coach. Her listening helped her to pose the right question which made me go deeper within myself. Her demeanour, appropriate acknowledgement of my responses and body language creates a very warm persona which made me want to share my thoughts with her.. Shruti is an amazing Coach.

Ramakrishan Subramaniam

Director, LEVENSLOOP & SkillTapthrough GAMING

Extremely privileged & glad that I got coached by Shruti, who ignites creative action orientation, brings in emotional maturity & insightful facilitation as an expert coach, raising awareness and encouraging the reflection so useful in developing perspective ideas. Helps change management effectively, Shruti the coach helps us to achieve full potential, personal best and to produce excellent results they want in their personal and professional lives & empathetic understanding, great communicator and enthusiastic coach. The Authentic Leader in me needed a spark to realize inner potential to excel much more and Shruti’s coaching wisdom did wonders. Wishing her all the very best.

LS Murthy

Ex-COO, SVP, Global Delivery & HR Head

Shruti is a great motivator and listener. I had done a few corporate coaching sessions with her- which were really insightful and informal. She has deep knowledge of the human psychology and immense experience for a targeted guidance. One of her great abilities is to listen attentively and put great effort in recognising the improvement areas both through dialogue and research.

Rohan Pratap Singh

IIM Calcutta | IIT Delhi, Boston Consulting Group

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